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Скачать Origin Для Игры Titanfall Beta

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Titanfall for PC Download | Origin Games

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скачать origin для игры titanfall betaTitanfall (2014) - Скачать через торрент игру

Experience a revolution in first-person shooters. Pilot powerful titans and battle across over a dozen maps in fast-paced, explosive combat. Get more and save big with the Exclusive Titanfall™ Deluxe Edition. The Deluxe Edition contains the full experience of Titanfall on PC plus the Titanfall Season Pass that extends the fight on the Frontier. Standard Edition PC Download Deluxe Edition PC Download Titanfall™ Game Titanfall™ Game Crafted by key developers behind the Call of Duty franchise, Titanfall is the first next-gen shooter that combines pure adrenaline, wall-running, double-jumping action with powerful, fast-paced titan warfare to set the new bar for online multiplayer gameplay. Join Your Friends in the Fight. Experience a revolution in first-person shooters. Pilot powerful titans and battle across over a dozen maps in fast-paced, explosive combat. Millions of gamers have already heard the words “Prepare for Titanfall” crackle over a radio. They’ve experienced the feeling of dropping a titan from orbit – of hearing the scream of a massive, 20-foot-tall mechanical monstrosity burning through the atmosphere. They’ve fought side-by-side with their titan, running on walls and climbing buildings as their robotic buddy laid waste to enemies. They’ve jumped into the titan to take control, and wreaked havoc on their enemies with rockets, plasma pulses and 40mm rounds. They’ve experienced the future of first-person shooters. And now it’s your turn. Fluid, Fast-Paced Combat - Your Pilot in Titanfall is more capable than the average soldier. You can run on walls and leap between buildings, diving around corners and tumbling through the air. It’s freeing, and you’ll have a hard time going back to other shooters after feeling so powerful and unencumbered. Massive Titans - Titans aren’t just tanks. They aren’t guardians or suits of armor. They’re more than all of that. You can have one follow you around and lay down suppressing fire, or you can jump into the cockpit and blast away your enemies from within the thick metal shell. You can outfit titans with different armaments, too, making them as customizable as your soldier. An Innovative Campaign - Titanfall takes a bold step by blending traditional narrative with competitive multiplayer, with huge set pieces, characters and story elements all with in thrilling multiplayer modes. You’re still fighting vicious enemies… but those enemies are players, too.

Титаны, к бою! Представьте: будущее. Вы участвуете в напряженной перестрелке. В самый разгар событий вы смотрите вверх. С небес падает могучий 7-метровый исполин, вооруженный до зубов. И ждет своего пилота: вас. Это Titanfall — захватывающий соревновательный многопользовательский шутер, выходящий в свет в марте. Разрабатывающая его команда отточила свои навыки еще при создании серии Call of Duty, так что да, он в очень хороших руках.

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